Up-to-date disclosure

Disclosure received 15.06.2024
Discloser’s details
Helsingin Sosialidemokraatit ry 62.213
Subsidy period
Month Year
05 2024
The month and the year for which the disclosure is made for.

The amount of subsidy received and the recipient must be declared if the total amount of subsidy received as one instalment from the same source or the total amount of subsidies from the same source during a calendar year is at least EUR 1,500. The gross amount of the subsidy must be declared. The value of any subsidies that were not in cash must be assessed and declared in monetary terms. Declarations regarding subsidies of less than EUR 1,500 will not be accepted.
Details of the issuer of the subsidy
1. Company, corporation or foundation
The amount of subsidy received and the recipient must be declared if the total amount of subsidy received as one instalment from the same source or the total amount of subsidies from the same source during a calendar year is at least EUR 1,500. The gross amount of the subsidy must be declared. The value of any subsidies that were not in cash must be assessed and declared in monetary terms. Declarations regarding subsidies of less than EUR 1,500 will not be accepted.
Name of the company, corporation or foundation Business ID Amount of subsidy Subsidy in form other than cash
Rakennusliitto ry, ruotsinkielisenä Byggnadsförbundet rf 0213629-4 1 500,00
Helsingin Osuuskauppa Elanto 1837954-9 1 500,00
Julkisten ja hyvinvointialojen liitto JHL ry, Förbundet för ... 0116647-5 2 000,00
2. Private persons (the name of a private person who has donated less than EUR 1,500 may not be declared without their express consent)
First names Last name Municipality Amount of subsidy Subsidy in form other than cash
Mediated subsidy (voluntary)
he declaration includes mediated subsidies from the following companies, corporations or persons:
Additional information
Published: 15.6.2024