
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline

Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline

National Coalition Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Grönberg, Carita Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hassinen, Atso Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ignatius, Jukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ikonen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Karvinen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Koistinen, Virpi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Liimatainen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Mannerkoski, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Multanen, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ollikainen, Markku Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Pesonen, Tommi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Piiroinen, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salmi, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salminen, Arto Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Tervonen, Kalle Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Finns Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Simonen, Ritva Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Centre Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ahlqvist, Veli-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Forsblom, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Helminen, Henna Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Huovinen, Ossi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hämäläinen, Hannu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Immonen, Nette Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kuittinen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laakko, Marjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lappalainen, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lehikoinen, Pirkko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lintunen, Eero-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nenonen, Tero Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Pakarinen, Helena Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Pakarinen, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Parviainen, Pasi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Raatikainen, Saara Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saikkonen, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salo, Miika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Simpura, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sivonen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suomalainen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Tammela-Lintunen, Ulla Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Virkkunen, Salla-Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Väistö, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Christian Democrats in Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Karjalainen, Teuvo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tarvainen, Ensio Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Åkerlund, Aarne Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Finnish Social Democratic Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ehrukainen, Reima Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haaranen, Martti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Haaranen, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hiltunen, Suvi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ikonen, Kyösti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Immonen, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kuznetsov, Alexander Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Mikkonen, Petra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mikkonen, Vilho Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Pirhonen, Anssi-Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sormunen, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Uusimäki, Veronika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Left Alliance

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Berndtson, Crista Candidate in both concurrent elections: No