
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline

Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline

National Coalition Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Abrahamsson, Stefan Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Keskitalo, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lahdenperä, Milla Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lahtinen, Pia Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Laine, Arja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Mäkelä, Hanna-Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Naaralainen, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nurmi, Niina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Pyykönen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Riikari, Kaija Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Seikkula, Teemu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Seikola, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Torppa, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Witikkala, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Liberal Party - Freedom to choose

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Jokipalo, Iiro Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Finns Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Anttalainen, Rami Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Järvinen, Jussi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Korhonen, Siru Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nieminen, Iida Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salmi, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Seikola, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sirkama, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Centre Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Anttila, Niina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heikkilä, Eija Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hyövelä, Noora Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Jürjeva, Kati Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Keskitalo, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lehtinen, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Luotonen, Toni Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Merinen, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Männistö, Arja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Palmunen, Henri Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salminen, Maarit Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suominen, Tommi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suominen, Veijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ylitalo, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Left Alliance

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Merinen, Susanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes