
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline

Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline

National Coalition Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Kortelainen, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Tamminen, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Finns Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Kinnunen, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kivelä, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saralampi, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Centre Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Elgland, Joel Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Erkkilä, Rami Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hertteli, Anni Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hietaniemi, Piia Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Humalajoki, Asko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Huttunen, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Isomöttönen, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kalliokoski, Esa Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kalliokoski, Jukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kirvesmäki, Sarita Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kivelä, Viivi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kytölä, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kytölä, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Louhula, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nulpponen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Riihimäki, Jouko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salmela, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Christian Democrats in Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Uusitalo, Mauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Finnish Social Democratic Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Jylhä, Pauli Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Marjusaari, Elisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Syrjälä, Niko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Syrjälä, Toni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes