
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline

Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline

Fri Samverkan gemensamma listan - Vapaa Yhteistoiminta yhteislista

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Haanpää, Outi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Joki, Patrick Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kinos, Sven-Erik Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lindgren, Leif Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lücke, Veijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Manelius, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nurmi, Markku Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Viklund, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Viljanen, Kim Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Janne Salonen

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Salonen, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

National Coalition Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Boström, Mona Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kaita, Janina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Penna, Jyrki Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Penna, Mirja Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salonen, Juhani Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Finns Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Arponen, Pauliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Naukkarinen, Katariina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suomi, Tapio Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suomi, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Söderström, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Thomander, Roger Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Centre Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Hagsberg, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kallonen, Kalevi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lappalainen, Jonna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehtinen, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Nieminen, Suvi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Tornberg, Helena Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Vahlsten, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Virtanen, Heikki Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Voitevych, Tamara Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Väisänen, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Christian Democrats in Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ruutikainen, Esti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Swedish People's Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Börman, Henrik Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Edmark, Ghita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Erista, Sisto Olur Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Fabritius, Helena Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hagman, Ingrid Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hakalax, Roger Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Harberg, Erica Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Holmström, Birgitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kruglov, Alexander Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lauren, Veronika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Laurén, Anders Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Moberg, Jonna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nordell, Anders Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Salminen, Niklas Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sjöblom, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sjöblom, Patrik Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sund-Grönholm, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Weckman, Tuula Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Wilson, Peppi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Finnish Social Democratic Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Forne, Ingmar Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Helin, Erica Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hellbom, Eva-Stina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hellbom, Knut-Mikael Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kulla, Ann-Marie Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehtivaara, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Leppänen, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lindblom, Mikael Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ström, Rickard Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Sundqvist, Johan Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Vilander, Bo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Left Alliance

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Bruun, Otto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakola-Wass, Kristina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Laaksonen, Eva-Sofia Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Rehn, Pilvi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Zilliacus, Daniel Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

The Greens

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Kippilä, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Rasila, Milla Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Räisänen, Lea Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siitojoki, Sami-Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: No