Post-election disclosure from 2023 - Elections to the European Parliament 2019

Disclosure received,
Date 11.2.2024
Pietikäinen, Sirpa Euroopan parlamentin jäsen, kauppatieteiden maisteri
Kansallinen Kokoomus
Name of the candidate’s potential support group
Loans and itemisation of support received to pay loans 3 199,79
If the candidate, the candidate’s support group or any other association that solely supports the candidate has taken out a loan to cover the campaign costs, the party obligated to provide information must declare the amount of the loan and any donations of at least 1500 €
1. Remaining loan taken out by the candidate and the support group 3 199,79
Name of the loan Repayment schedule/loan period Loan amount itemised
2. Support received to pay the loan total and an itemisation of the donations
a. Name of company/corporation Business ID Amount of support itemised
b. Private persons (the name of a private person who has donated less than may not be declared without their express consent 1500 €)
First names Last name Domicile Amount of support itemised