Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline
Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline
National Coalition Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Arponen, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Backman, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Backman, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Cwiek, Arkadiusz | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ellonen, Lotta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Gallén, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hauru, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Henri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hirsso, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkala, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Husso, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huusko, Emilia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Illikainen, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Junttila, Juulia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jussila, Mauno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Järvelä, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kakko, Jemina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kankaala, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvonen, Riku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppi, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Jami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kisner, Susanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korkeakoski, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskinen, Katja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuoppala, Mono | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kurttila, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laitinen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laru, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehtisaari, Miia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lindborg, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Länsman, Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Malkamäki, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Matinolli, Maarit | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Matti, Aapomikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattila, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Merihaara, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustonen, Tuula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Myllymäki, Heta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkelä, Lassi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkelä, Liina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikula, Kim | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nurro, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ohtamaa, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ohukainen, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paavola, Oona | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Parkkinen, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peltola, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Perälä, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pietiläinen, Paavo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piirala, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Poropudas, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puhto, Suvi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puro, Ilpo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pyykönen, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rajala, Lyly | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rantapelkonen, Arja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Rapeli, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rautio, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Riikonen, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Räisänen, Mirjami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saari, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salmi, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Simonen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Sipiläinen, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Stenfors, Sebastian | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suomalainen, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Säkkinen, Juuso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Taube-Säkkinen, Erika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Venäläinen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vierimaa, Anna-Maija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virtanen, Katri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähäkangas, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Åman, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Liberal Party - Freedom to choose
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Kivirinta, Aki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Majava, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Papinaho, Arttu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pirinen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Movement Now
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahola, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ervasti, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Kaisu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koivuperä, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Palo, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ulander, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Finns Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Aavavirta, Henri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ahola, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ahola, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Dryer, Jamie | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eklund, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elovaara, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Enojärvi, Annemari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haho, Urho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Halonen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heinonen, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Henriksson, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hetta, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hintta, Aleksi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huotari, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huotari, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyvönen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Härö, Mark | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jokela, Mirja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jämsä, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaisto, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karjalainen, Sirpa-Helena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaukinen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemppainen, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemppainen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kesti, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Klemetti, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kokko, Tero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kontio, Mira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Santeri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koski, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koutonen, Annika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuoppamäki, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuotesaho, Reijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kähärä, Sirja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Käsmä, Paavo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leppäharju, Raija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leppänen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Matila, Virpi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattila, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattila, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkola, Lasse | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Moilanen, Ahti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Määttä, Lauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemelä, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nieminen, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niinimaa, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niskanen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nurmi, Alex | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Oja, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Okkonen, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paakkola, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pankinaho, Sirkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Parviainen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pekkala, Harri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pekkala, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Plaketti, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rajakangas, Ylermi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rasinkangas, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Riepula, Ismo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rinnekangas, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Romppainen, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rönn, Lari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarela, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarenpää, Eetu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarlund, Jan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarvala, Eija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sauvola, Riku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Savilampi, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Seppänen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sipola, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sjögren, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuulaniemi, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tyni, Helena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Törmi, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vehkaoja, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Visuri, Alli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väisänen, Tommi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väyrynen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylönen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Yrjänäinen, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Centre Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahopelto, Maire | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Andersson, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Arvola, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Aulakoski, Antero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ervasti, Tapani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haho, Annu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Halonen, Paula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hangasvaara, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haukipuro, Mira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Heikkilä, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkilä, Olli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Heiskanen, Hemmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Hiltunen, Vuokko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuskonen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyttinen, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyvärinen, Katri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Jaatinen, Markus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Jarva, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jokela, Jari-Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jurvelin, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juutinen, Pertti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Jämsä, Jere | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järnström, Mauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaartinen, Mirja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Vuokko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kartimo-Pramila, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppinen, Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppinen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemell, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keränen, Niilo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Keskitalo, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korpua, Jyrki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kylmänen, Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Körkkö, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Latvala, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Lehtimäki, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehto, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Leiviskä, Marjut | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lepistö, Anna-Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Louet, Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lumijärvi, Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lumijärvi, Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lämsä, Kalevi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Markus-Wikstedt, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Matela, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattila, Juho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mehtälä, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Merilä, Asko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkonen, Sirkka-Liisa | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Mustakallio, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäläskä, Arvi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemelä, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niinikoski, Eija-Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikula, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikula, Lauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nivala, Kirsti | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | ||
Nurkkala, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Näppä, Anneli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ollikainen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pahkala, Eija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Partanen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Parttimaa, Sinikka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Patana, Tuija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pentti, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Pienimäki, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Poukkula, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pulkkanen, Nina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puranen, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pyörälä, Pirjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Päkkilä, Risto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rauhala, Rami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rimpeläinen, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Rousu, Jesse | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räisänen, Virpi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sahi, Salme | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Similä, Pertti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sippola, Leevi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Soini, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Soronen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Soronen, Mauno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Suonsivu, Pyry-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suviaro, Marjut | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Säkkinen, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tapio, Jere | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Taskila, Joel | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervaskanto, Ulla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tikanmäki, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Toppinen, Ira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tornberg, Elias | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Törmänen, Anni-Inkeri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Valaja, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vehkaperä, Mirja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vinkka, Sirkku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Välinen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Väänänen, Pentti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylimäki, Saija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Äijälä, Samuli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Communist Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Isojärvi, Niila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Christian Democrats in Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Askeli, Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eshed, Iina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harju, Esa | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Heikkinen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Helanen, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hurskainen, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvelä, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvonen-Köykkä, Auli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemppainen, Marja-Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koivisto, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kontio, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korhonen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuosmanen, Mirva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuusisto, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärkimaa, Eija-Leena | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Myllylä, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pelto, Anna-Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Perander, Reijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pouke, Eeva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Siirtola, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Swedish People's Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Aho, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Helanen, Veronica | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyman, Tanja-Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sinervo, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Stolt de Glanville, Tea | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Finnish Social Democratic Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahl, Kristina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ahlholm, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ala-aho, Tuula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Alasalmi, Asko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Anttila, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eskola, Annemari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Gathogo, Joseph | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapala, Jonne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapaniemi, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hackzell, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harju, Yrjö | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hautamäki, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heiska, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heiskanen, Miina-Anniina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heiskanen, Sonja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hilli, Vesa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hiltunen, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Himanka, Saija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hirvi-Nevala, Virva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hokkanen, Inka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Holtinkoski, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuhtanen, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Häikiö, Ahti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hämälä, Sinikka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hämäläinen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Härkönen, Piia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Iivonen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jopasin, Esther | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Junttila, Sisko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Junttila, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jurmu, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jäntti, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaarre, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kanniainen, Kaisu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karhunen, Salla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karppinen, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karppinen, Vesa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keisala, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keskitalo, Joonas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettunen, Niina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivimäki, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kouva, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kumpulainen, Kirsi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kymäläinen, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Körkkö, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laine, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lamppu, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laukka, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Lehtinen, Taru | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Eetu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Essi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leskinen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lievetmursu, Aira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Loukkola, Otto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Löytynoja, Alpo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattila, Marika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Meriläinen, Joni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Meritoja, Jefe | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Minkkinen, Harri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäki, Maire | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkivierikko, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Männikkö, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Naumanen, Tristianna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemimäki, Janne-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikkinen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niskanen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyman, Maarit | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ovaskainen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Perkiö, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pernu, Raine | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pesonen, Kimmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pohjanvesi, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pollari, Maijaliisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Polso, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Purkunen, Helena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rantasuo, Pirkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rasi, Saga | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rojola, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rytivaara, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarela, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saari, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salminen, Minnamaria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarmanne, Henri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Selkäinaho, Annamari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sirviö, Pirjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Snellman, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suikkanen, Jussi-Mikael | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Säkkinen, Risto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tapio, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tiainen, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Torro, Kaarina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuomainen, Heli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ukkola, Aleksi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vetosalmi, Varma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Yli-Tokola, Kaisa-Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylilahti, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Örling, Risto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Valta kuuluu kansalle
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Mäkiranta, Tuukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Vapauden liitto
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Antila, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hakala, Kimmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Eero-Olavi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hämäläinen, Arto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettunen, Elisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koukkari, Heini | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kupari, Pentti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peltola, Henri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Left Alliance
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahonen, Kim | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Alakontiola, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Alho, Sirkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Arponen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Autio, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Blomster, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Blomster, Teuvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eilola-Jokivirta, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Einistö, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Flink, Eija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Gonçalves Da Silva, Jenna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapaniemi, Heli-Hannele | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Havinalehto, Wilhelm | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkakoski, Arja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Honkala, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huhtamäki, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huittinen, Vesa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huotari, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huotari, Esko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huotari, Uoti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuki, Juho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huusko, Ritva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huusko-Kukkonen, Eira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Itälahti, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jakola, Mimmi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Janatuinen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Joentakanen, Sirkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juntunen, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jussinniemi, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jylkkä, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jämsä-Uusitalo, Vaili | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kailo, Kaarina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kallinen, Maila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kallioniemi, Tommi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Teija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karhu, Virpi | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Kauppinen, Piia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kekkonen, Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemppainen, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettunen, Anna-Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kohonen, Olli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koistinen, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Komulainen, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Koutonen, Anniina | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Kylmänen, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehmusvirpi, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Lepinoja, Markus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Liedes, Teijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Luonuansuu, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Luotola, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mehtätalo, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkola, Vikke | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Minkkinen, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustonen, Juha-Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mämmelä, Markus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäntykenttä, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäyrä-Mafi, Marja | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Niemi, Anni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikula, Aleksi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nuoristo, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nybacka, Silvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyman, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ollanketo, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paasimaa, Veli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Palmgren-Neuvonen, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paltto, Armi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pasanen, Rauli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pekkala, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Penttilä, Nina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piira, Toivo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pohjola, Pia-Inka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puumalainen, Virpi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Raatikainen, Tarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Raninen, Samuli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ristola, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Roth, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ruotsalainen, Ammi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salo, Saska | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarajärvi, Marjaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarajärvi, Rami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarkkinen, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Sipola, Mauno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sormunen, Niina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sova-Kurtti, Tanja | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Tapio, Iida-Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervo, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tihinen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuliniemi, Katja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tuomala, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Törmänen, Aarno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Töyräs, Teija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ukkola, Teuvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ukonmurto, Pauliina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vainionpää, Jonna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Viitanen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähäkuopus, Mari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väisänen, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Wassholm, Väinö | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Greens
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Aalto, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Aho, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Arffman, Riikka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Autere, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Caner, Suvi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Delahunty, David | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Do Couto Lopes, Paulo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elonheimo, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Flöjt, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Frick, Mai | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Granholm, Mari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Haatanen, Milja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hallapuro, Elisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hallikainen, Taru | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkala, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heiskanen, Aki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Himanen, Paula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huurinainen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Hämälä, Jarkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Härmä, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Immonen, Miia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jumisko, Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juopperi, Harri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jääskeläinen, Niina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kandelberg, Mariam | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Salla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kangas-Siira, Monika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kannisto, Emma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karjalainen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kaunisto, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kekolahti, Anna-Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettukivi, Kati | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koivisto, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Koivuniemi, Marika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kokko, Hanne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koramo, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korpelainen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koski, Pauli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koski, Sari Helena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuikka, Olavi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuismin, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuoppamaa, Mari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kämäräinen, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lahti, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lapinlampi, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lawson Hellu, Latékoé | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lepojärvi, Mervi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Liedes, Anselmi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lohiniva, Henna-Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lukkari, Juho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lähde, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lähde, Runo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Manalainen, Anon | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Manalainen, Sanika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Manninen, Veera | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Matilainen, Onni-Jonatan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Miettunen, Jenni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustamo, Aila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäki-Penttilä, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkinen, Theresa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mätäsaho, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Määttä, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Määttä, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemi, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyyssölä, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Oikarinen, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paasovaara, Kati | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Partanen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pasma, Reeta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pasma, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pikkarainen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rossinen, Elias | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rukajärvi, Joonas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ruottinen, Riika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rämet, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sairanen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salmirinne, Irni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salo, Jyri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salonen, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sarvela, Artturi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Satomaa, Perttu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sivula, Kristiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Soldatkin-Luostari, Veera | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sorvari, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Taikavaara, Terhi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tapaninaho, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tapaninen, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tiermas, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuhkanen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vainio, Laila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Veijola-Kara, Miska | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vikeväkorva, Susa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virtanen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Visuri, Mirkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vuononvirta, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähäkuopus, Hanne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väyrynen, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Zelech-Alatarvas, Kajetan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |