Keski-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline
Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline
National Coalition Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Björkqvist, Jose | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Björkskog, Max | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Blomqvist, Håkan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Blomqvist, Jan-Erik | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Einla, Reet | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Filppula, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Friis, Patrik | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapasalo, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapasalo, Joni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hed, Leif | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heinola, Jonas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hietaharju, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huhtala, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hukari, Veijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hämäläinen, Niina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jukkola, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juusela-Pekkarinen, Sirkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvenpää, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaakinen, Marita | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvonen, Aki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvonen, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppi, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppinen, Maarit | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kiimamaa, Eevi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivilehto, Kauko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kopsa, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kotanen, Joni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kotaniemi, Maitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuusela, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laakso, Miia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Lassila, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehtimäki, Joona | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Liimatainen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lindberg, Miska | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Läspä, Hilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Marjamaa, Helinä | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Meriläinen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Myllykoski, Eliot | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Möttönen, Vuokko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Niemelä, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nurmi, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nurmi-Lehto, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Orjala, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paananen, Henry | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pajukangas, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Palola, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Palola, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rajaniemi, Emma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saviranta, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Siren, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suonperä, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tamminen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Telimaa, Sakari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Typpö, Kirsikka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ventus, Camilla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väärämäki, Tero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Wentjärvi, Leif | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylikarjula, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Finns Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Alatalo, Ilona | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Haapaniemi, Asko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hakunti, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haukilahti, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haukka, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haukka, Noora | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hautamäki, Jorma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Herlevi, Janika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Humalajoki, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuki, Manolis | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hägglund, Sofia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jokela, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kallio, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kalliokoski, Joni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kalliokoski, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kemppainen, Irma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keränen, Niko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keränen, Ulpu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Olli-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Susanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivelä, Markus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivelä, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kleemola, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kleemola, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Klemola, Joni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Knuuti, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kolppanen, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kontio Peltokangas, Sonja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Koskela, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Känsälä, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laaksonen, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laine, Vesa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leppälä, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Maunula, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkelä, Benjamin | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkelä, Riku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Naukkarinen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nygård, Boris | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Palosaari, Petteri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pellinen, Aapo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puolimatka, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rehula, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rekilä, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salmenaho, Samu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salmi, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salminen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sammalkangas, Alpo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sandkvist, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sidorikhin, Ivan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Siirilä, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sillanpää, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Sillanpää, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sulkakoski, Tina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suominen, Juho-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervala, Niko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuorila, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vasalampi, Kimmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Vieri, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virkkala, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virtanen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virtanen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähälä, Jarkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väisänen, Reijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Centre Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ala-Leppilampi, Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Göös, Sanna-Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haasiomäki, Osmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hankaniemi, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Harsunen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Haukilahti, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Herlevi, Reino | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hirvikoski, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Hjelm, Reetta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Humalajoki, Aino | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Huttunen, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuki, Erkki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Häggdahl, Seija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Innanen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Isopahkala, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jussila, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jäntti, Ilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvenoja, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kanniainen, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kattilakoski, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivelä, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Klemola, Annikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korkiala, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Koskinen, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kosonen, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuismin, Erkki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Känsälä, Kai-Eerik | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laitila, Veikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Leivo-Rintakorpi, Tuija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Liias, Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lindholm, Susanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkelä, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäki-Petäjä, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Märsy, Jaakko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nevasaari, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Nyblom, Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Orjala, Jarkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Pajunpää, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Parkkila, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pekkarinen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peltokangas, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Pihlajaniemi, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pilvilampi, Asta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Potila, Raija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pärkkä, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rahkola, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rautiola, Piia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saari, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Savola, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Syrjälä, Asko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tiala, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Torppa, Hannes | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tuomela, Helinä | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Törmä, Anja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Viirre, Vesa-Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Christian Democrats in Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahlskog, Hanna-Lea | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Aho, Leila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ali-Haapala, Virpi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Andersson, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Björkgård, Göran | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Bondarenko, Ihor | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Butov, Ruvim | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Bwea Say, Saw | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Clay, Dawson | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkilä, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hotakainen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ilola, Hannele | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvi, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jääskelä, Raija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaakinen, Katja-Maaria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kippo, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koivisto, Kaarina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kottari, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kudryk, Bohdan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kudryk, Tetiana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lyyra, Irina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lång, Saara | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Malvisto, Marko | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | ||
Naw, Romi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nedoviz, Oksana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Nicole, Kasambi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Nicole, Shomari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Noon, Lazarus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyakwama, Malloy | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rendic, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ritovuori, Marjut | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saari, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salo, Mauri | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Shabro, Antonina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Svenfelt, Björn | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Uusitalo, Mauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vuollo, Eemeli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Swedish People's Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Björkgren, Magnus | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Brandt, Mats | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elfving, Siri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Gleviczky, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Granvik, Sarah | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haldin, Peter | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hassel-Sandström, Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Isaksson, Christin | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Nyberg, Anders | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Silvander, Catarina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Snellman, Hans | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Marlén | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähäkangas, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Witick, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Åström, Mats | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No |
The Finnish Social Democratic Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Autio, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Behluli, Sofia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Björk, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Boberg-Santala, Linda | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elo, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapaniemi, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haapasaari, Emma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hannula, Oskari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harju, Ulla-Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harju-Karhula, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkilä-Siirilä, Kiku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Horila, Tiia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huuki, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ilola, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ilola, Marjut | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ilola, Niko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Isotalus, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jumppanen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaivosoja, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Jasmiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Taneli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kant, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karim, Mashuk | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kautto, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Koivisto, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koljonen, Risto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kotanen, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kotkamaa, Hans-Erik | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kuivaniemi, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lahti, Mauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lindqvist, Andreas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lindström, Tenho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mild, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustajärvi, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nikula, Eetu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niska, Tenho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nisula, Mia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ojala, Sara | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Owoyele, Samson | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peltola, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peltoniemi, Pauliina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pikkarainen-Haapasaari, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Porkola, Veijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pulkkinen, Harri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pöppönen, Miia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Raudaskoski, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Riikkilä, Aino | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ruisaho, Sakari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ruotsala, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rönnkvist, Dennis | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sibghatulla Baig, Saleha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sjöberg, Sonja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sundström, Jesper | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Syrjälä, Roosa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Syrjälä, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Teerikangas, Emilia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Teerikangas, Kristiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervola, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Annika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuohisto-Kokko, Juuso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Urpilainen, Pirjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Vakkuri, Arja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vuorinen, Veikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähämäki, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Left Alliance
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Gray, Ashten | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Händelin, Julia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Johansson, Anette | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jokela, Camilla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jouahri, Yassine | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvelä, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kainu, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Klemola, Taneli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kolppanen, Alina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korvela, Pertti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kujala, Sampsa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehtonen, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Meriläinen, Anton | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Molander, Jan | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
N'douamen, Yasmina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyman, Anders | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Orjala, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pietilä, Roy | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puumala, Jaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Savonius, Christian | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Simpanen, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Soukka, Kalle | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tastula, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervola, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tikkakoski, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Treganna Malinen, Kristiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Uuskartano, Santeri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vuorela, Heli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vähäniemi, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Greens
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahmed, Ayman | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Egge, Faisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Forsell-Karaduman, Milla Marika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hotakainen, Säde | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laakso, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lumilaakso, Tiia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Malm, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mourujärvi, Reetta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemi, Pauli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pitkänen, Mari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Roukkio-Taipale, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saari, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Uuskartano, Ari-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |