Pohjois-Karjalan hyvinvointialue
Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline
Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline
National Coalition Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahlholm, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ahvalo, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Arppi, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elo, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Greku, Mia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Halonen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hartikainen, Pasi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hassinen, Atso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Henttinen, Aino | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hietanen, Rauni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hildén, Cia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Holopainen, Arja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Holopainen, Lukas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkanen, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkanen, Tuomas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkavaara, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hujanen, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hummelholm, Aarre | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juutinen, Aleksi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaita, Karita | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karlsson, Lydia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvinen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kiiskinen, Jenni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korkalainen, Otto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korkeakoski, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korpela, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korpela, Suvi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kortelainen, Reijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kosonen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuivalainen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kulmala, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuokkanen, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärnä-Välimäki, Arja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leskinen, Jarkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Litja, Juho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lukin, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Majuri, Krista | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Maksimainen, Eino | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Malinen, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mielonen, Olli-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkikallio, Juhani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mölsä, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nenonen, Tero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Niemi, John | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nuutinen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Nykyri, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paananen, Vinski | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pesonen, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Pesonen, Tommi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Peuha, Jyrki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Piironen, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Porokka, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Putro, Eija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puustinen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ratinen, Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reijonen, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reijonen, Iiro | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Riekki, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ruotsalainen, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räty, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Savolainen, Roope | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sihvonen, Aulikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tarvainen, Paavo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tiittanen, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Toivanen, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tolvanen, Mauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Törmänen, Maija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Uusi-Illikainen, Heleena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vallius-Hyttinen, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Varis, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Voutilainen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väisänen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Välimäki, Otso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Liberal Party - Freedom to choose
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Kuokkanen, Sara | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mertala, Tomi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Finns Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Armanto, Irene | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Arponen, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Asikainen, Tommi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Bogdanoff, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eronen, Miia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harjunen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hartikainen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heiskanen, Erkki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heromaa, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hiltunen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyttinen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Härkönen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jolkkonen, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jolkkonen, Meri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jumppanen, Anssi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jumppanen, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juntunen, Kalevi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juvonen, Evelina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juvonen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jääskeläinen, Sampsa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaartinen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kainulainen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karanta, Auli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karkulehto, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karppinen, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keronen, Niko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keto, Mirella | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettunen, Juha-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kiiskinen, Kaisu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Asseri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kinnunen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kivinen, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koponen, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korhonen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kujansuu, Ville-Petteri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kukkonen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lampinen, Jarkko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leinonen, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leppäkorpi, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leskinen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mara, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mattsson, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mehto, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustonen, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Myllynen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Myyry, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Määttä, Henry | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Oinonen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Oinonen, Veijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pirhonen, Osmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Plick, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puhakka, Olli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Purmonen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Purmonen, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pääkkönen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ratilainen, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reinikainen, Kai | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Romppanen, Keijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räsänen, Mauno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räty, Marjatta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saaristo, Susanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sallinen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Simonen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Simonen, Ritva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sutinen, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tikka, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Torvinen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Sabrina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Varis, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väistö, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Wihonen, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Wilska, Heidi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Centre Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Asikainen, Lauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Auvinen, Eeva-Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eronen, Erika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Gustafsson, Auvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harinen, Jertta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heickell, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hiltunen, Hilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Hiltunen, Ilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huikuri, Eeva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Huovinen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyykky, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Hölttä, Anna | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Immonen, Miika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Juuti, Miso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jämsén, Pauli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karhinen, Mirja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karjula, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kinnunen, Kyösti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kontkanen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korhonen, Paavo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kosela, Anna-Helena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskelo, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuittinen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kukkonen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärkkäinen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laakko, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laaninen, Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Laitila, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lauronen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lodders, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Maautu, Tate | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Makkonen, Raili | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Miettinen, Asko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Miettinen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkilä, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mononen, Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Muikku, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mukkala, Kati | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Musikka, Sinikka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mustonen, Tuomo | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | ||
Mutanen, Sonja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Paavilainen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Parikka, Tuula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Partanen, Saila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pennanen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pesonen, Anni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piipponen, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pitkänen, Eine | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puustinen, Osmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pyöriäinen, Jasmin | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Raatikainen, Saara | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rassokha, Oxana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reijonen, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reijonen, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reinikka, Erik | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Riikonen, Esko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rossi, Hannes | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räsänen, Marja-Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räsänen, Tiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Siira, Arto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sirkkiä, Sari | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Surakka, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervala, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tirkkonen, Hilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Torssonen, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Susanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Varis, Atte | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Varonen, Marjukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vatanen, Lahja-Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vattulainen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Voutilainen, Erkki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Väisänen, Juho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Communist Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Kallioinen, Toni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Christian Democrats in Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Antikainen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Artell, Helena | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Burman, Eeva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hakulinen, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Halonen, Kaisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Harinen, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Arto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hiltunen, Pentti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkanen, Manu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hottinen, Anja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Huisko, Marja-Liisa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Itkonen, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jaaranen, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jouhki, Veronika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jääskeläinen, Anna-Katariina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaasinen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kananen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karjalainen, Teuvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karttunen, Olavi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvinen, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvinen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karvonen, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keinänen, Anita | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kettunen, Helvi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kok, Herman | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korhonen, Eine | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Korhonen, Pia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Harri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Kosunen, Iida | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koukku, Armi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kämäräinen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärki, Ella | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Käyhkö, Irma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laine, Raimo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Melkko, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkola, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäki, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Naumanen, Lari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ojanen, Simo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piironen, Mika | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pippola, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pitkänen, Niilo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Puhakka, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pulkkinen, Hilkka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ratilainen, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rintala, Tuula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ryynänen, Leo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarenmäki, Johanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Saarinen, Taneli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Seppälä, Kristiina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Seppälä, Piia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Seppänen, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Silvennoinen, Maija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Silventoinen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Siponen, Piia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Smura, Anne-Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Smura, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Solonen, Anton | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sormunen, Urpo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Stolt-Pappinen, Kirsti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suomalainen, Kati | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tanskanen, Vuokko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tarvainen, Ensio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Terho | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Pertti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Törrönen, Paavo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vaittinen, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Valjus, Erkki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Viitikko, Yrjö | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virta, Sampsa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Yrjölä, Arvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Swedish People's Party of Finland
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Pennanen, Petri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Finnish Social Democratic Party
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ainasto, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ehrukainen, Reima | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eloranta, Satu-Sisko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eskelinen, Jari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haatanen, Minni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heinonen, Eila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hirvonen, Jukka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hoffren, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Honkanen, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hurskainen, Veli-Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyökki, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyökki, Sirpa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Härkin, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jetsonen, Anne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jäppinen, Minna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangaskolkka, Emilia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karhapää, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Karppanen, Pertti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kastinen, Outi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kauppinen, Marja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keskisalo, Pentti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koistinen, Olavi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kontturi, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koponen, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kosonen, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuronen, Vesa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärkkäinen, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kärkkäinen, Tarja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laakkonen, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lahtela, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lehtimäki, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leminen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Mahlavuori, Ritva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Makkonen, Vuokko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Martikainen, Kari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkonen, Petra | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mikkonen, Virve | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Muukkonen, Birgitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Mäkisalo-Ropponen, Merja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nenonen, Reetta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nyyssönen, Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Närhi, Eeva-Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ollilainen, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pakarinen, Tuula | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pesonen, Matti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pirinen, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pitkänen, Meira | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pottonen, Sari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Puruskainen-Saarelainen, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ratilainen, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rissanen, Sanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rissanen, Tanja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rissanen, Toivo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Räty, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sallinen, Joonas | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salomaa, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Smura, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sorsa, Maaret | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Stenberg-Louko, Irmeli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suihko, Teemu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Suoninen, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tahvanainen, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tanninen, Jarmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Tanskanen, Marjo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tielinen, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tiittanen, Hanna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuovinen, Satu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vartiainen, Marja-Terttu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vartiainen, Sonja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Viinikainen, Arttu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väänänen, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylönen, Juuso | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Valta kuuluu kansalle
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Jokela, Jouni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
Vapauden liitto
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Ahponen, Jorma | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rautiainen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Left Alliance
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Anttikoski, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Armila, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Dannenberg, Alia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Estola, Anna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haikala, Aku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hallivuo, Samu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Heikkinen, Hannele | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hermaja, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Herranen, Jussi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hyppönen, Anu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Häkki, Miikku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hämäläinen, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ikonen, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jyrkinen, Ari | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Järvinen, Anni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kangas, Matias | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Katajamäki, Riitta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Katajavuori, Rauli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Keränen, Mika | Advance disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | ||
Konkonen, Sami | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Koskela, Päivi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kuivalainen, Maija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Laakso, Inkeri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lakanen, Tiia | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lampen, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lempinen, Seppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Leppänen, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Levaniemi, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Liimatainen, Mikko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Loijas, Hannu | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lukkarinen, Arto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Maasilta, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Marjomaa, Esko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nieminen, Aila | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nupponen, Jarno | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Nykänen, Tapio | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Omenasaari, Kasper | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pajula, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Pellikka, Jade | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pellikka, Saija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piirainen, Heikki | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Piitulainen, Juha | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pirskanen, Marianne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Puhakka, Antero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pursiainen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rautio, Pentti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Reijonen, Juha-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Rouvinen, Auvo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarelainen, Anni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarelainen, Antti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarinen-Härkönen, Tuija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Salmi, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Savolainen, Wendy | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sundell, Milla | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sysiö-Jyrkinen, Leena | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tahvanainen, Petteri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tanskanen, Markku | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tervo, Jenni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Terävä, Eero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Henna | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Timonen, Ville-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tolvanen, Tero | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tuononen, Reijo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Esko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Vartiainen, Kimmo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ventola, Timo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Venäjä, Mika-Veli | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Virta, Jari-Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väisänen, Vilja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Väyrynen, Ritva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Westerman, Eija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
White, Kathryn | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylisiurua, Sinja | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |
The Greens
Name | Advance disclosure | Funding disclosure | Post-election disclosure | Candidate in both concurrent elections |
Alanen, Teija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Brax, Tuija | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Elonheimo, Ville | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Eronen, Eveliina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Hautanen, Esa | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Haverinen, Reetta | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Holopainen, Jani | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Jönhede, Marko | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kaunisaho, Lauri | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kondie, Tuomo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kortelainen, Marjaana | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Kupiainen, Laura | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Lahtinen, Matilda | Candidate in both concurrent elections: No | |||
Määttänen, Risto | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Orre, Martti | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Pekkala, Janne | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Robonen, Olga | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Saarinen, Ninni | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sammalisto, Elina | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Sillanpää, Pekka | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Styr, Maria | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Tarnanen, Teppo | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Turunen, Anssi | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes | |||
Ylikoski, Eeva | Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes |