Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue

Red link to disclosure : The disclosure has been filed after the deadline

Blue link : The disclosure has been filed before the deadline

The Open Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Koivisto, Aleks Candidate in both concurrent elections: No

Animal Justice Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Kallioniemi, Kati-Maija Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lähde, Lila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Monola-Lemière, Kapa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Perttunen, Jaakko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

National Coalition Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Aaltonen, Teemu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Abdali, Reza Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahonen, Reeta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahonen, Rimma Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahvenvaara, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Akbulut, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Andersson, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Antikainen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Danska, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Dündar-Järvinen, Aila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ehder-Gahm, Veli-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Eskelinen, Riina-Eveliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Eskola, Vesa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Franssila, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haapalainen, Niko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haapalehto, Eero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Helava, Elisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hellsten, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Hepokorpi, Aki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hietaranta, Sonja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Huhtala, Pasi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hukkanen, Eetu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hänninen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Höyssä, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ivanoff, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jaakkola, Annu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jaakola, Eemi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jokilampi, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jussila, Anne-Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jussila, Mauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jyrkkä, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jäntti, Iikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jäppinen, Karita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaaja, Taru Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kaivanto, Tuija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kalliomäki, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiili, Kalle Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kinnunen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kivi, Marko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koivunen, Kristiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kontiainen, Joel Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kostiainen, Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kukkonen, Roosa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laihonen, Mauno Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lammi, Suvi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lappalainen, Pirkka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leino, Ida Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Liukku, Pinja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Malmberg, Juho Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Markkula, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Marttila, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Miettinen, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkelä, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen, Leila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ngo, Tiny Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojares, Juho Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Okuogume, Anthony Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Otonkorpi, Pauliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paavola, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paija, Joona Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pehkonen, Pasi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Peltonen, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Puomila, Janita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rajala, Petri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rantovaara, Laura Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rautionmaa, Niilo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rinnetmäki, Mikael Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Rintanen, Arttu Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarinen, Carita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarinen, Rakel Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sajakorpi, Aku-Paulus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salakari, Riikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salmi, Olli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Seppälä, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Shaker, Zahra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sikala, Touko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Silen, Meeri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siltala, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sirén, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Suhonen, Emilia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Syrjäläinen, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Taina, Anneli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tamminen, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tienari, Tapani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Träskbäck, Jocka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuominen, Eemeli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuominen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Uotila, Mats Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Uotila-Välimäki, Soili Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Uusikartano, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vahvelainen, Saana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vatunen, Anu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitala, Anu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Vikman, Sofia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Virkkunen, Katri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vuori, Arttu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Zeitlin, Rainer Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Crystal Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Seesvalo, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Liberal Party - Freedom to choose

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Leppänen, Marko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vihervaara, Tommi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Movement Now

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ala-Salomäki, Alisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kurkela, Aimo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Taipale, Tommi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuominen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Finns Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ahjoharju, Taisto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahmavuo, Diana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aho, Ossi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahtiainen, Veli-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aittolahti, Lea Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ala-Kaarre, Pirjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Altun, Nita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Antikainen, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Einola-Virtanen, Heli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Grönroos, Arto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Harju-Säntti, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heinämäki, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hemminki, Lauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hemminki, Toni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hinkka, Petteri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hirvenoja, Arja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hissa, Mervi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Honkaniemi, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hupanen, Pentti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hupanen, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hyvärinen, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Isokangas, Tuomo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaikkonen, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaitaniemi, Katrina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaleva, Lassi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karimies, Veli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karinkanta, Niko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kinnari, Miia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kivistö, Riina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koivuniemi, Tami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korhonen, Tapio Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korolainen, Ulla Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korte, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskinen, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kosonen, Jarno Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kymäläinen, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laatikainen, Jussi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lamminmäki, Taina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehtola, Tomi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leppälä, Roy Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leppänen, Toni-Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lipponen, Jouko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Liuksiala, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Luukkonen, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Miller, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moisio, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Määttä, Sakari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Neulaniemi, Keijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemi, Veijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nikupaavo, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nurkkala, Risto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nurmi, Jussi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojakoski, Arto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojala, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paajanen, Sasa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pajulahti, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pajunoja, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Parkkonen, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pekkinen, Ilkka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pelkonen, Erja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Perämaa, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Puolimatka, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Raevaara, Aarne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rajaniemi, Marko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rauma, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Reko, Severi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Riihimäki, Jouni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rikassaari, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ristimäki-Anttila, Jaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rodman, Kari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rosengrén, Elias Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Räsänen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarinen, Kari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarinen, Susanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saikkonen, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salakari, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salo, Juho Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salokannel, Hannu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Seppänen, Erkki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siika-aho, Auri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Snellman, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Soininen, Virve Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Soramies, Saynur Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Talonen, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tasanen, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Torittu, Kari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuominen, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuppurainen, Arja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Törhönen, Marko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitala, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitanen, Kai Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitanen, Mikael Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Virta, Jesse Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vuorenpää, Ava Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vuorenpää, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Välimäki, Tarmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Wesin, Lisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Pirkanmaan Sitoutumattomat yhteislista, PirSit

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Lähteinen, Paula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tiainen, Hannu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vauhkonen, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Centre Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Aho, Janika Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Airola, Annina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aitolahti, Annamari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ala-Hemmilä, Pirjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ala-Keturi, Terhi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Arra, Simo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Bährend, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Eskola, Juho Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Fritius, Ilkka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haapaniemi, Pasi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakala, Jasmi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakanen, Pertti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hamari, Raimo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Harmokivi, Jussi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hassi, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heikkilä, Lauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hentilä, Petteri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hoikkanen, Risto Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Holma, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Häkkinen, Pipsa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hämäläinen-Ylikahri, Maikki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Juva, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvinen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaikkonen, Aimo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karhumaa, Tilda Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiiski, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiiveri, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kilpi-Kiukainen, Jaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koponen, Mervi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koppanen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskela, Reijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskinen, Tarja-Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koukeri, Veli-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kuusela, Sirpa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kähkölä, Katariina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kääriäinen, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lahtinen, Jarkko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lakkinen, Sinikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lampinen, Arto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lind, Jorma Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Liuha, Tuukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lähdeniemi, Linda Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Majuri, Katriina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Markkanen, Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Markkola, Juha-Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mattila, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mikkonen, Outi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moilanen, Tenho Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Myllymäki, Klaus Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkelä, Aleksi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäki-Välkkilä, Kristiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen-Aakula, Marjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Naumanen, Saku Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Neste, Jouni Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Niskanen, Aleksi Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nurmenkoski, Heidi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nyman, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojanen, Eero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Oksala, Virpi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Olander, Marko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pakkanen, Juho Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Palin, Henna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Parviainen, Susanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Penttilä, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pirhonen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Porola, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pulkkinen, Mervi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pylsy, Katariina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Raiski-Koivukoski, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Rajala, Asta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rajala, Miia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ranne, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rantala, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Reuna, Jarno Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rinne, Petri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Risku, Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Riutta, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rouhiainen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rytkönen, Aapeli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarinen, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salonen, Anttiolavi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salonpää, Hannu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sandroos, Aleksi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sarvijärvi, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Schulze-Steinen, Petra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Seppä, Tarmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Simula, Aino-Riikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sivusaari, Tuula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Skön, Erika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Suonsivu, Maarit Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Suppula, Heli Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Talvitie, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tirkkonen, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Toivola, Jarmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuomaala, Jyrki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Törmikoski, Veera Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ukonmäki, Virpi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Venesmäki, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Communist Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Grönfors, Mervi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Packalén, Petra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Selin, Olavi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sulander, Lauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tapanainen, Bex Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Christian Democrats in Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Afatchao, Eveliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahola, Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahola, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahonen, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahtola, Kirsi Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Alajoki, Asko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Alanen, Nina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Auerma, Riku Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Elliott, Aura Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Evikoski, Tuomas Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Fredland, Eeva Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haapala, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hagert, Marjaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hagqvist, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakanpää, Mika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Halkosaari, Satu-Tuulia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hautamäki, Antto Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heikkilä, Heidi-Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Heino, Sakari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hiltunen, Esa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hovi, Marjut Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Huhtala, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Huttunen, Lydia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hällbacka, Ella Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hämäläinen, Saila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ikonen, Jaakko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ilkka-Ahola, Sirpa Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Jokela, Tuija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Joki, Mia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Juntunen, Mikael Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jussila, Jorma Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Juutilainen, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvenpää, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kallio, Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Katajisto, Markus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Katto, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiukainen, Pertti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kivimäki, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Klinga, Katja-Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Korelov, Sergei Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korpela, Liisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskela, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskenvesa, Hannu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kuismanen, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kuoppala, Erkki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kähäri, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laitinen, Isto Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Laitinen, Sirpa Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lehti, Riikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lindroos, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Lindroos, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lipsanen, Tuomo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Maijala, Milla Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Majanmaa, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Miilunpalo, Seppo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Mäkinen, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen, Karoliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Mäkinen, Kirsi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkipelkola, Jutta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemelä, Aaron Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemelä, Kylli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemimaa, Nalle Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niskanen, Anu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nousiainen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nurmela, Piia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojanen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Osinnaike, Olanrewaju Samuel Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paloheimo, Kaisu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paunonen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Peltola, Auli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pitkäniemi, Juhani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pursiainen-Hautala, Sirpa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pätäri, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pääskynkivi-Kilpeläinen, Jane Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rannisto, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rantasalo, Veijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rauhalammi, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Raunio, Pirjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rautkivi, Jouko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rinta-Valkama, Ami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ristolainen, Päivi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ryynänen, Tomi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Räsänen, Jesse Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saari, Paula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sagulin, Niina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Silmu, Krista Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sipponen, Tino Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Syri, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tanus, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Timonen, Osku Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tunturi, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuononen, Jere Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Turunen, Kauko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viertola, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitala, Marianne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vila-Flor, Daniel Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Välimaa, Marjut Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ylipahkala, Pauliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Swedish People's Party of Finland

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
von Nandelstadh, Wilhelm Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Finnish Social Democratic Party

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ahola, Sami Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahonen, Jussi-Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Airo, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ala-Herttuala, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aleksovski, Atanas Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Asp, Antti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Grann, Hanna-Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haaparanta, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hamari, Lotta Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Heikkilä-Halkola, Jaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heinänen, Jaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heletoja, Taija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hellsten, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hirvonen, Maarit Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hirvonen, Mira Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Honkanen, Tero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hänninen, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ilonen, Milla Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Ilovuori, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jaatinen, Tuila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jakara, Heidi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jokinen, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvenpää, Esa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvinen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaihlamäki, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kairimo, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaivonen, Kirsi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaleva, Keijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kampman, Ulla Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kantola, Kristiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karhu-Jopasin, Georgios Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karisalmi, Leevi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskinen, Jyrki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskinen, Vesa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kumlander, Joni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kuusipalo, Saana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laine, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laine-Aro, Marita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laitinen, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lanne, Janika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lappalainen, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehto, Roope Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leino, Terhi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leppä, Tuija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Liimola, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lindberg, Nina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Litmanen, Merja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Loppi, Inka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Loukaskorpi, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lyly, Lauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Machaal, Mahmoud Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Majava, Paula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mankkinen, Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mellin, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moisio, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkelä, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen, Jarna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Männikkö, Jaana Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäntylä, Kirsi-Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemenmaa, Marjo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ojala, Carita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Parjanen, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Peltovirta, Kari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Petäkoski-Hult, Tuula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pokki, Simo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Porttikivi, Ilkka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Priimägi, Oliver Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ranki, Pirkko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rantamäki, Aino Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rantasalmi, Ele Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Reito, Lotta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rinki, Paula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Roikola, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Roininen, Saija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rokosa, Inna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Roslöf, Miikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ruskavuori, Tiia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ruuska, Tuire Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saari, Jari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sadelin, Ria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sarvala, Silmu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saukkoriipi, Aleksi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sirniö, Ilpo Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Tainio, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Talikka, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tienari, Tapio Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tolvanen, Taru Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuominen, Mauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Turkia, Pasi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vallius, Tuula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viljanen, Eeva Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Virkamäki, Markku Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Virolainen, Atte Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vuorinen, Tommi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Väisänen, Eevastiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Wigelius, Ari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ylimartimo, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Zuev, Milla Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Timo Virtanen

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Virtanen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

Vapauden liitto

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Ahonen, Jukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Blommendahl, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Holma, Kimmo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Karvonen, Matti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kulmala, Taru Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kuusela, Harri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sormunen, Anton Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tenhunen, Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ulmanen, Maija-Sofia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Left Alliance

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Aakus, Katariina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aalto, Juuso Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Aaltonen, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahola, Laura Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Almusa, Saara Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Blom, Petteri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Campos, Nadja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Dahlberg, Kaj-Erik Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Eskolin, Akseli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haapanen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakala, Kasperi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Halinen, Aino Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Halme, Taimo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Halttunen, Elina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hamidi, Nadia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hanhela, Milka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hautanen, Teija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heinonen, Eero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hollo, Hely Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hupanen, Kai Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hämäläinen, Outi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hölttä, Wilhelmiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ilmaniemi, Toni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Inkinen, Riina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jormanainen, Vesa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jousi, Vili Antero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jukantupa, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kahelin, Reijo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kavén, Ilmari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kemppinen, Petri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Keränen, Jyri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiretti, Veera Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kivimaa, Teemu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kivistö, Johanna Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kontula, Anna Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Korhonen, Laura Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korpela, Tanja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Korva, Jenna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Koskinen, Jarno Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kotalampi, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kunnari, Kukka Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kvick, Teresa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lakkala, Minttu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lattu, Jarno Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Laulainen, Samira Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Leppänen, Aki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lind, Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lindén, Lauri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Linnakylä, Noora Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Löf, Mirka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Maijanen, Juuso-Matias Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Malkamäki, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mattila, Jukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Metsävainio, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moisio, Eija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moisio, Erkki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkinen, Eleanora Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niemi, Aapo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Niskanen, Aapeli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nousiainen, Samuli Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nyman, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Paarjoki, Anni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pajukangas, Tiitus Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Palomäki, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pekkala, Juuso Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Peltokoski, Jukka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pöntinen, Riikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rask, Virva-Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rautanen, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Riestra Aedo, Simon Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rokkonen, Aki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ropponen, Anu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rossa, Ville Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Räsänen, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saarela, Leena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Salmenkangas, Janne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sandelin-Vapaavuori, Sara Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sirén, Jouni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Söderholm, Nina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Taam-Katajisto, Tino Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Takala, Matleena Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tanskanen, Jukka-Pekka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tolonen, Johannes Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Torkkola, Sinikka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuovinen, Jessica Advance disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vahosalmi, Petri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vaittinen, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Valli, Johan Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Varis, Niki Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Varis, Veera Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viherlehto, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Villberg, Timo Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vilppula, Eero Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vähätiitto, Alli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Välitalo, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vänni, Katja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Weckström, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Äkäslompolo, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes

The Greens

Name Advance disclosure Funding disclosure Post-election disclosure Candidate in both concurrent elections
Aalto, Petra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ahtiainen, Pauliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Alavalkama, Katri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Artkoski, Tytti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Asikainen, Eveliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Backman, Henri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Cavén, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Cook, Kea Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Delli, Aladdin Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ellilä, Tuire Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Haapa-aho, Olga Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hakulinen, Noora Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Halonen, Elmer Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Haukkakallio, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heikka, Tanja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heikkinen, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Heinonen, Marja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Helenius, Ella Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hilliaho, Jani Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hintikka, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Huhtala, Anita Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Huimasalo, Anni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hämäläinen-Myllymäki, Kati Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hänninen, Iina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Härkönen, Onni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Hölttä, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Joutsio, Saila Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Jussila, Perttu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvi, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Järvisalo, Vilma Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaario, Taru Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaila, Kristiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaipainen, Jouni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kankila, Jyri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kaperi, Juha Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Keisala-Kaseja, Kaisu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Khedri, Hiva Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiiskinen, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kirjavainen, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kiuru, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Kujansuu, Sonja Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Kyyhkynen, Minna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lahikainen, Stiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lahti-Laurila, Jenni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehto, Kati Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lehtonen, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Listenmaa, Sari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Liuska, Johannes Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Lähdeniemi, Maria Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mehtätalo, Oskari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Melkko, Niina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Merimaa, Eerika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mikkonen, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Moilanen, Anna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Mäkelä, Satu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nevalainen, Anu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nisukangas, Mikko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nisula, Elsa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Nurminen, Majka Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pehkonen, Ninni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Pensaari, Pia Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Piitulainen, Sanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Poteri, Aliina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rastas, Aino Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Reijonen, Kalle Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Remus, Taija Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Riihonen, Joni Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Roihuvuo, Johanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Rouhe, Oke Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Räsänen, Kaisa Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Saari, Heli Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sangervo, Julia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Santala-Köykkä, Riitta Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Sareila, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Scharin, Pia Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Seppälä, Riku Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siira, Alex Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Silvén, Paula Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siuko, Viivi Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Siuro, Petri Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Suomi, Iia-Elisabeth Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Suoniemi, Susanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Toiva, Kirsti Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuomanen, Anne Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Tuoresjärvi, Annika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Törmä, Taina Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Ukkosvaara, Hanna-Mari Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Urhonen, Amu Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Uusi-Illikainen, Marika Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Varjus, Petra Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vergara Ezcurdia, Gabriel Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Viitasaari, Vilma Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Villman, Maarit Candidate in both concurrent elections: No
Virtanen, Hanna Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vuorio, Jaakko Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Välimäki, Matias Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Vänskä, Laura Candidate in both concurrent elections: Yes
Wesslin, Tiina Candidate in both concurrent elections: No